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Farm Frenzy 2 Forum

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Hi, Can anyone please help with Fan...

Hi, Can anyone please help with Fan Street 4? Trying to get gold, but having no luck!

By beanie
Fan St 4 (8 hats, 5 packed meats ), Buy four cows and a cat, upgrade storage to max, truck twice, trap and sell all bears and butter until you can buy an ostrich (little over 3 minutes). Immediately after buying the ostrich, sell off the cows and butter to be able to buy the hat factory. You’ll probably have some milk and sour cream working it’s way through, but keep working it into butter. As the cows and two butters are going to market, you should have the time and the cash to upgrade the plane twice and buy 8 hats and 5 meat trays to have ready. Working the hats and the remaining butter, you can soon buy a second ostrich, then upgrade for the fan factory. You’ll have a bit of spare cash, so buy 3 pigs and work through 5 meats, keeping it in the storehouse. While the pigs are plopping hams, upgrade the hat factory once. (You should have a ton of cash by now so you can also upgrade the meat processing plants if you’d like to go for a record time). You can sell off the pigs as soon as they’ve dropped 5 hams. (I’m sure you could get by with fewer than 3 but I don’t want to deal with them for long so that’s what I do). Once the last hat is made, sell the ostriches, buy the meat packing plant, upgrade it to max, and finish off the level. You should be able to finish in well under 7 mins.
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