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Ya huh, the eyes you see behind the...

Ya huh, the eyes you see behind the bolder are the eyes of the lost children (next game) AND don't waste your time on boulder, it is pushed whe the villagers are ready. It happens spontaneously during the coure of the game. Patience, Patience, Patience,...before I go to bed at night I put alot of peeps on the research tabole and make sure I have at least 2 peeps farming. I set game at 2x speed nd check in on them in the morning, adjust game speed to your schedule. If you aren't coming back for awhile try half speed or pause so you don't come back to a dead village. I personally sought out the farming level first to ensure that my villagers would never starve. There is a walkthrough on this site that is helpful. Also if you notice the costs of the techs kind of tells you what you need next. They are progressively expensive, so buy the next ou can afford and things will progress but you have to have patience. belive me it was an exercise for me. But now I adjust their activities and gamespeed and check back often. That's about how you play. GOOD LUCK So far I have 32 villagers, and Puzzles: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11, working on Spirituality level 3 . Thats my next purchase. As of now need about 7000 tech points to buy that one. I have masterd farming and construction at level 2 of everything else. It's sickening how I worry about my villagers. Silly games....sigh. (I don't tell people) LOL

By edina
thanks about the bolder thing ...
By angel
I am finish so what's next
By auc
Very helpful and what are the eyes the villagers see behind the boulder?
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