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how to make 6 magic plants, SPOILER

By sleepysnickers
There are more ways than I'm going to list to get the 6 magic plants, but I will try to tell you a few ways to do it! I don't include the extinct species and varieties, although they can be used to find the magic plants as well.

Ok the first is the magic tree of fragrance, better known to us as Fourpetal Maple.

Varieties (flower types)
citrus+viola, citrus+jalapa, mela+fragrant, mela+fabled, aureus+fragrant, aureus+blazing, or fabled+venemous. Any of these combinations (plus a few different ones) come out to Fourpetal.

Species (plant types)
ananas+ball cactus, maranta+ball cactus, maranta+pear cactus, fanleaf+pear cactus, fanleaf+pear cactus, lemonbush+rare oak, lemonbush+pipe cactus, and bamboo+rare oak. These combinations (plus a few others ones) make the species Maple.

The 2nd magic plant is Rose of Joy, better known to us as Rosaceae Fern.


Spotted+blazing, spotted+fourpetal, painted+blazing, painted+fragrant, daisy+fragrant, daisy+fabled, nox+jalapa, nox+fabled, bluestar+jalapa, bluestar+viola, and mystic+viola these make rosaceae. (Please note the only way to get spotted is to get it from the starter seeds ,mutation, or from the seeds you buy in the store.)


Reptans+bamboo, reptans+maple, scandens+lemonbush, scandens+bamboo, grass+lemonbush, grass+fanleaf, orchid+fanleaf, orchid+maranta, astera+maranta, astera+ananas and gladius+ananas. Please note that you can only get reptans from the store, mutation, or starter seeds.

The third magic plant is the Fabled Rose of Isola better known to us as fabled lemonbush.


Painted+citrus, daisy+mela, daisy+citrus, nox+venemous, nox+mela, bluestar+aureus, bluestar+venemous, mystic+fourpetal, mystic+aureus, rosaceae+blazing, rosaceae+fourpetal, viola+fragrant, viola+blazing, and jalapa+fragrant.


Ball cactus+orchid, ball cactus+astera, pear cactus+astera, pear cactus+gladiatus, pipe cactus+gladiatus, pipe cactus+ fern, rare oak+fern rare oak+ananas, maple+ananas, maple+maranta, bamboo+maranta, and bamboo+fanleaf.

The fourth magic plant is the Flower of Knowledge, better known to us as the Nox Orchid.


Spotted+rosaceae, mystic+spotted, mystic+painted, bluestar+painted, and bluestar+daisy. (The lack of multiple mixtures is what makes this plant so hard to find!)


Reptans+gladiatus, reptans+fern, scandans+astera, scandens+gladiatus, and grass+astera.

The fifth magic plant is the Fruit of Life, better known to us as the mela rare oak.


Citrus+aureus, and citrus+venomous.


Lemonbush+ ball cactus, ball cactus+ fanleaf, pear cactus+lemonbush, pear cactus+bamboo, bamboo+pipe cactus, and pipe cactus+maple.

The sixth magic plant is Golden Berries of Wealth, better known to us as aureus scandens.


Citrus+fragrant, citrus+fabled, mela+fragrant, mela+blazing, blazing+venomous, and fourpetal+venomous.

Species... your pick of any combination of species and any combination of variety and voila :) I honestly hope that this is helpful to you, and if I did make any mistakes I'm very sorry.
By sleepysnickers
oh sorry! species for scandens is grass+reptans. Sorry about that, didn't notice it got cut off.
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